(PM) Mailing list devalued

Mark O'Leary (Mark.O'Leary@nessie.mcc.ac.uk)
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 17:23:52 +0100 (BST)

All this circular wingeing about the beta code releases is making this list
virtually impossible to monitor for useful information - particularly when
subscribed to in digest form.

Isnt it universal that if you choose to adopt beta code, then any problems
you experience should be reported to the programming team thats working to
change that beta into a full release? As far as I know, this list isnt the
correct forum for achieving this. Isn't it also universal that beta code
should be *expected* to have significant flaws?

At present, the *real* position is that the PM3 only supports up to K56Flex
in a production environment, through running the latest *full* release of
the code, 3.7.2c3 - although there are hopeful noises that V.90 code
development is progressing well and the full 3.8 release will happen "soon".

Any ISP that installs beta code on a machine offering service to paying
customers deserves to lose those customers, as far as I'm concerned. If the
provider can't say how a frankly experimental OS will behave (because the
manufacturer can't either), then they're unable to agree any kind of service
level with the customers.

Any ISP that is losing customers because their PM3's don't support V.90 yet
is incompetent at marketing itself and has serious problems with its
relationship with its existing clients. Is it so hard to make the case that
this code is taking longer because the final quality is better?

I wonder how many here grabbed the first open beta the day it hit the ftp
site, installed it and followed up with a press release about the joys of
V.90? Quite a few it seems.

Judging from the recent level of debate, I suspect that the loudest moaners
could be kept content if Livingston just changed the *name* of the beta15
file on the ftp site every two weeks, whilst the team concentrates on
getting the real release together, and the people really prepared to assist
in open beta testing and report the bugs appropriately get on with it.

Sorry to add to the noise on this list at the moment.


  Mark O'Leary,              |   Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110
  Network Support Officer,   |   Email: Mark.O'Leary@mcc.ac.uk
  Manchester Computing, UK   |      or: mark@mcc.ac.uk
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