Re: (PM) PM3 beta 15 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 07:49:25 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jason T. Nelson shaped the electrons to say...
>You didn't say likely to be unstable.. Unfortunately, I've deleted what you
>*did* say, which I took to mean more along the lines of 'alpha'.

I said: Beta == unstable nearly all of the time.

Same thing - Alpha is usually nigh unto unusable except to test the
specific features or fixes it was generated for. As for 'unstably nearly
all of the time' - if you have 10 betas, 9 of them weren't ready for
release for one reason or another, generally. A beta that is stable and
doesn't have known problems usually ends up as the final release, so
that's the last beta. All preceeding betas had some issue such that
they weren't ready to release.


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