(PM) Callback-Login-User with PM3

Marek Marcola (Marek_Marcola@malkom.pl)
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 15:18:00 +0200 (METDST)


I have a problem with callback login user service on PM3.
My ComOS version is 3.7.2c3
I have defined one user as callback-login-user on my radius
server and with PM2 it works. User call to PM2 and then PM2
calls him back.
But with PM3 it doesn't work - PM3 answers "Dialback Accepted"
but nothing happens !

Maybe (looking at debug output) PM3 releses modem M1 from S1 after
disconect and then tries dial-out but without modem bind to S1.

Debug output from:
set debug 0x51
set debug isdn
set debug mdp-status
set debug mdp-events

pm3> M1: mdp_allocate service 90
S1: Modem M1 bound
S1: Sending Request Connect - 64Kbps / Voice (B2 ID:9)
S1: Received Connect - B2
S1: Modem M1 connecting
M1: mdp_bind: (S1) dsl_id 0 ch_n 2 slot 2
M1: mdp2_activate: S1 ANSWER
M1: mdp2_psm: RX 9600 TX 9600 ret 0 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
M1: mdp2_psm: RX 9600 TX 9600 ret 0 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
M1: mdp2_psm: INIT dp 4a76 in_mbx 4a82 out_mbx 4ac4
M1: mdp2_psm: DLOAD
S1: Received Disconnect Normal Clearing (B2 ID:9)
S1: Sending Disconnect Request
M1: mdp2_dload: EOF index ffc0 size 20000 MDP_STATE_OMC
S1: Received Clear Conf (B2 ID:9)
S1: Releasing unused modem M1
M1: mdp_deactivate: from S1
M1: mdp_deactivate: port(S1) released
M1: mdp2_psm: CONFIG
M1: mdp2_psm: READY
sendthem (AT\r)
expect (\r)
Connection Failed <-- After some time

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <Marek_Marcola@malkom.pl>
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