Re: (PM) Stable v.90

Larry Vaden (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 11:44:08 -0500

Please read previous posts.

This is about v.34, etc., not v.90.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Walker <>
To: 'Brian Elfert' <>; 'Larry Vaden' <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, June 18, 1998 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: (PM) Stable v.90

|> > 2,000 ISPs losing $500-$1,500/day on average due to V.34 problems is
|> > probably not a reach `[8-))
|> An ISP would have to be losing 25 to 75 customers A DAY to
|> lose this kind
|> of money.
|> There are many ISPs that would be out of business at the end
|> of a month if
|> they really were losing that many customers due to lack of
|> V.90 support.
|> If I relied only on PM3s, and I was losing that kind of
|> money, I'd buy a product from another company to provide V.90 then.
|Hmmm this raises a point.
|So i take from this that customers are asking for v90? and if you cant
|provide it then they are moving from you? Due to the PM problems and then
|taking say a USR TC with v90 (uuugh thats another story and i wont mention
|that name ever... thanks to USR we have a PM3 :) - )
|My small point is in the UK and EU i assume v90 is not yet ready in beta
|form and then it might be a while before we see PM code - BUT and this is
|what we have told customers the fact that "v90 is not effective until Sept
|and so you should have no need to worry about its use" - as of today we
|have had no customers move away from us to another ISP that provides v90
|support and i don't think its an issue yet - come Sept 98 we will be
|compliant and hope with stable code... god willing and stuff ! It seems
|to me that the "customer is right" attitude is going a little too far in
|this issue and they should be told so!
|They have x2 and K56flex and they should be glad dammit <g>
|Just my opinion and no one elses.
|Steve Walker,
|Techincal Thingy.

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