Re: (PM) Stable v.90

Karl Denninger (karl@Mcs.Net)
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 14:41:34 -0500

On Wed, Jun 17, 1998 at 03:20:20PM -0400, Jeff Woods wrote:
> At 01:32 PM 6/17/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >The "non-public" version is easily the best around right now EXCEPT for the
> >one crippling problem. If Lucent will STOP SCREWING AROUND with trying to
> >get other things working in that version, fix this ONE problem (which can't
> >be all that hard to do, as this is a new bug and WAS working in all versions
> >we've had, public beta and private, for a long time) and get that out to
> >people the 90% percentile of trouble should be fixed.
> Karl, I'm no insider, and have never run a Lucent non-beta version, public
> or not, but from what I read here, Lucent does seem to be mucking around
> with more than just the v.90 and v.34 code here, trying to get WAN cards,
> compression cards, and other non-ESSENTIAL items working.
> Lucent, RELIABLE v.90 and v.34 are all that the VAST majority of us care
> about. Please don't worry about other things. Fix SLIP, fix v.34, and get
> v.90 interoperable, and release that WITHOUT the other features, which can
> wait for 3.8.1, IMO. Thanks!
> -
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I wouldn't call the compression card non-essential, at least not for ISDN

That card has been "on the market" now for nearly a year, and was sold as
being fully functional at the time.

I *WOULD* call "new features", such as the WAN card, non-essential at
this point.

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