(PM) PM3 connection problems (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 14:18:55 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time John Driscoll shaped the electrons to say...
>I have a PM3, 3.7.2 os, using CT1's. Lately, especially during the

Not 3.7.2c3? Note 3.7.2 had modem connect issues, and this sounds like that
may be the problem.

>busy hours of 6-10pm, users are reporting they are calling into the
>PM3, the call is answered, and then their win95 pc sits there at
>'verifying username & password'. It stays here for a minute or so and

Do they show up on an S port? Or *only* when looking at modems? Do they
have an external modem - can they hear the tones? Is it endless negotiation?

Do they share an exchange? Or something else in common that is different
from the tests you did? ie, they all come in over lines that are backhauled,
and yours aren't.

>thing. I watched as the call sat there, which could only be seen by
>doing a 'sho mo'. I thought perhaps I had a bad modem, so I had them
>try dialing several more times. Each time they were assigned a
>different modem from the pool, and each time they couldn't connect!

Sounds like modem negotiation failure. But that can have different causes,
from code revisions, to call routing.

>I started thinking, maybe the radius server isn't responding fast
>enuf, but I have an alternate set... I checked the radius logfiles on

I doubt this is it. The modem connection would succeed first, THEN RADIUS
gets into the picture (unless you are using Call-Check - which is only in the
3.8 betas). What you describe here makes it sound like they aren't getting
a modem connection at all. If they were then you'd see them on a S port


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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