Re: (PM) Line buildout (padding) control via the pm3 ? (fwd)

Douglas Michaud (
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 14:05:50 -0700

In message <>, MegaZone writes:
>Once upon a time Douglas Michaud / Teleport shaped the electrons to say...
>>Does the pm3 have a 'buildout' function to vary the receive
>>levels at the prem ? I have a 1A delivering to me at +.1
>No, that should be done at the smartjack - as you observed.
since tarriff does not require them to do so, any tricks to 'force'
them to do this ? or are there third-party products that can be
employed ?


Douglas Michaud - = - Teleport Engineering

- the more you know, the less you have to lie about.

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