Re: (PM) PM3/OR-U capabilities

Thomas Kinnen (
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 13:19:02 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Bubba, Premier Internet wrote:

> We have subnetted a customer 30 ip's for his LAN that connects to our PM3
> via an OR-U. He wants to know if he can access one of his pc's remotely. In
> other words, if he has a third-party connection to the 'Net, can he access
> his internal pc thru the OR-U when it(the OR-U) doesn't have an established
> connection?

Yep, you will need to set him up as a dial out location in one of your
PM's as the PM will need to call the OR if the link is down. This was
covered a few days ago so details should be in the archive.

Thomas Kinnen - -
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