Re: (PM) Monitoring RADIUS port

Chris Parker (
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 12:33:02 -0500

At 01:00 PM 6/12/98 -0400, Scott Black wrote:
>I have Windoze based network monitoring software that I am evaluating. It
>does the usual, email, pager stuff when something dies.
>I'd like to have it monitor my RADIUS server. As far as I know, the actual
>server operates on port 1645 and the accounting uses 1646.
>I tried to monitor 1645 but the connection is simply refused and my software
>treats it as DOWN. I added the IP of the watchdog machine to
>/etc/raddb/clients and restarted RADIUS.
>No go.
>Is there a way to do this??

First, you are monitoring UDP port 1645, not TCP port 1645, right?

Second, there is no, easy way to do this. With TCP, you can connect
to the port and assume that the process ( http, ftp, smtp, etc. ) is
alive and working, as the port is being listened on. However since
Radius uses UDP, which is a stateless protocol, unless you can get the
server to send a response back, you have no way of knowing whether the
UDP packets you sent were received.

If you want a way to send a 'radius ping' you will have to determine a
way to build your own Radius Packet, and send it to the server. The
RFC describing the Radius protocol can be found at:

Two radius codes you may want to play around with, ( note the
experimental ), are:

12 Status-Server (experimental)
13 Status-Client (experimental)

Or you could construct an actual Access Request if you want to go that

The short answer, which I think you were looking for, is that there isn't
an easy way to do this, as it uses UDP. :\


   \\\|||///  \  Chris Parker: Systems Administration and Development
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                  \ Without C we would have 'obol', 'basi', and 'pasal'

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