Re: (PM) v.90 code

Mark Peugeot (
Tue, 9 Jun 1998 22:04:42 -0700 (PDT)

Here is the real problem. As ISP's we must support to our best
ability the USR and 56Flex standards. The only way to accomplish this is to
run b15 or to buy more total control chassis. As bad as 3.8.b15 is, it is
much better than the alternative... buy total control chassis's and the
annoying fan racks that accompany them.
The V.34 problems that crept back in indicate a problem with
configuration control over at lucenington. I don't see why these have not
been addressed in an open beta yet. It seems that since these issues were
already addressed that it would be fairly straight forward to remedy them.
Of course I don't have the code, so it may be much more complex than I can
imagine as well.
Either way, Livingston should make beta's more accessible to the
customers. I am not whining about b15, I think b15 is a good overall beta,
and as an ISP I had to make a choice... V.90 or Total Control chassis's.
Well it's pretty clear that I chose b15. I hope the RABU continues to try
and keep us in the loop and in the future would allow us more freedom in
deciding how much risk is appropriate for our business's.

Mark Peugeot
Network One

> Do you have multiple PM3's? If so why not dedicate just one of them as a
> v.90 server and tell your users to use it as a beta test platform. Offer new
> users v.90 access and when they are not able to get a v.90 connect tell them
> they can use your other server till v.90 is released as a standard.
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roy <>
> To: <>
> Date: Tuesday, June 09, 1998 6:13 PM
> Subject: Re: (PM) v.90 code
> >Rather than ragging on the list, I sent a note to the sales department
> >with the hope that they had a better path to upper management. The
> >short story is
> >
> >
> > 1. Roy said :I am losing customers because of lack of V.90:
> >
> > 2. Sales said :Try the beta:
> >
> > 3. Roy said :The beta doesn't work satisfactorily:
> >
> > 4. Sales said :We will report this to support:
> >
> > 5. Support said :If the beta gives you problems, back out:
> >
> > 6. Go to step 1
> >
> >
> >I wonder if there are deep problems in the Lucent V.90 that are not
> >software and they are desperate to find a fix that doesn't involve
> >recalling every K56FLEX card.
> >
> >Roy
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