Re: (PM) v.90

Perry J. Blalock (
Tue, 9 Jun 1998 21:39:20 -0700

Will the new PM3 v.90 code support users with the K56 Flex modems? If so,
what are the problems if any?

> Rick Kunze uttered...

>>Just wondering if everyone is happy with the v90 code for the PM3. I've
>>held off so far, but am considering giving it a go.
>>Also, (this may be an old question) will customers with USR Sportsters
>>instance) get v90 speeds when I upgrade my PM's to the v90 code?
> works great for us! As the USR users, out of about 200+ using USR v.90
> modems only one had a major problem. (USR's code is sh*t!) After 2
> hours of trying to explain that to him he finnally called USR and they
> confirmed (it is sh*t!) this guy was running Win98beta, and v.90 so he
> should have expected to experience problems. The good thing though is
> that once he flashed down his modem was faster uploading and downloading
> than at v.90 and notably faster than his previous provider who sported a
> USR set up. I'm pretty happy. I think it works great, aside from the
> annonyance of the admin logins from the telnet sessions!

> jer

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Perry J. Blalock
BadgerNet Communications
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