Re: (PM) v.90

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Tue, 9 Jun 1998 14:18:12 -0600

Rick Kunze uttered...

>Just wondering if everyone is happy with the v90 code for the PM3. I've
>held off so far, but am considering giving it a go.
>Also, (this may be an old question) will customers with USR Sportsters (for
>instance) get v90 speeds when I upgrade my PM's to the v90 code?
works great for us! As the USR users, out of about 200+ using USR v.90
modems only one had a major problem. (USR's code is sh*t!) After 2
hours of trying to explain that to him he finnally called USR and they
confirmed (it is sh*t!) this guy was running Win98beta, and v.90 so he
should have expected to experience problems. The good thing though is
that once he flashed down his modem was faster uploading and downloading
than at v.90 and notably faster than his previous provider who sported a
USR set up. I'm pretty happy. I think it works great, aside from the
annonyance of the admin logins from the telnet sessions!


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