(PM) Dial On Demand, bi-directionally, 2 routes

Jason Marshall (marshalj@spots.ab.ca)
Sun, 7 Jun 1998 15:07:49 -0600 (MDT)

Hi All, I've got a bit of a problem, and I'm not sure if I can fix it.

First, a little history. We have a few "dedicated" ISDN customers who we
have connecting from an OR-u at their office to an OR-u at our office.
Across some of these circuit, we are routing two subnets. It works just
fine the way it is, but it's expensive having additional BRIs to pay for
every month.

Very recently, we had our PRIs configured so that they can dial out as
well as receive calls, so we thought it would be a good idea to move these
"dedicated" customers over to the PM3's since they (customers) typically
generate most of their traffic during the day when there are idle modems
sitting around on the PM3's.

It's easy to get the OR-u at the customer site to dial into the PM3 modem
pool. I've got OSPF running between the PM3's, and a static route from
our "border" router (a dumb linux router) pointing at the last PM3 in the
pool. This seems to work fairly well, and the bits eventually get to where
they're going, even if the OR-u called in to a different PM3.

This works fine for inbound calls from the customer's site, but doesn't
help bring up a connection from our equipment to theirs on demand. The
only way I know of to bring up an on-demand outbound call is to add a
location table to the PM3. So, I put a location entry into the last PM3
on the pool (where it's most likely to find a free modem). When this
entry is there, I can bring up an outbound on-demand link to the customer
site without any troubles. Note that the routes for the remote networks
are pointing at the PM3 with the location table installed.

The real problem is that, after an outbound link has been brought up from
us to the customer site, and has been torn down again, the last PM3 seems
to have trouble "forgetting" the route to the remote network. So, when
the customer OR-u calls back and gets a different PM3, their network is

If the route from the location table could be injected into OSPF when the
link is up, and removed completely when the link is down, my problem might
just be solved.

Is there any way to get around this? I've never used OSPF before, so if
I'm missing something obvious, I apologize in advance.

| Jason Marshall, marshalj@spots.ab.ca. Spots InterConnect, Inc. Calgary, AB |

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