Re: (PM) PMVision Suite of Tools

Roy (
Sat, 06 Jun 1998 11:18:06 -0700

Executive summary: Livingston is dropping support for text mode
utilities. Those of us that have to use text mode are screwed.

Andrew Doolittle wrote:
> I appear to have caused a bit of confusion with my recent posts about the
> command line utilities for the PMs, so let me take this opportunity to
> clear things up.
> As many of you probably know, we have not been supporting the old style C
> code programs, the 2 pmconsoles and attendant utilities (affectionately
> known as the pmtoys), for a bit over a year now. The purpose of this lack
> of support is that we've been working on a new set of tools, that we feel
> (and feedback to date confirms) are far superior to the old programs. Java
> provides us with an environment to develop not only GUI applications, but
> more traditional command line (think pminstall and pmcommand) utilities as
> well. The new tools are written entirely in Java, which gives us a couple
> of advantages. First, Java is a much better programming language than C or
> C++. Java programs are much more reliable than C or C++ programs. This is
> because there is no programmer initiated memory allocation, and there are
> no programmer accessible pointers. Second, Java provides a much greater
> degree of program portability than other platforms. All facets of the
> operating environment have been abstracted through the virtual machine, or
> VM. This puts portability in the hands of the OS vendor, as it should be,
> while allowing the application programmer to concentrate on the
> application. Of course, all this wonderfulness does not come without a
> penalty. In our case, there are two major ones. First, and universally,
> Java programs are inherently slower than compiled code. In order to be
> truly portable, Java compiles not to object code, but to byte codes. These
> byte codes are translated to object code at runtime. Second, in our case,
> we were working with a very early version of Java. We have more bolt-ons
> to fix broken Java stuff than I care to think about. The good news is that
> Java is getting much better, but the bolt-ons did delay development
> significantly.
> The suite of tools we have/are developing is as follows. Needless to say,
> I won't give actual release dates for unreleased product, but I wouldn't
> say anything if I didn't think the release was imminent.
> OR Wizard - GUI Installation Wizard for ISDN Office Routers - V2.0 released
> PMVision - GUI EMS for PortMasters - currently in open beta
> PPPDecoder - GUI realtime decoder ring for PPP negotiation - V1.0 released
> as unsupported pilot
> PMUtilities - Command line utilities for install, backup, command, ... -
> closed beta
> Hope this helps - thanks for your attention and support
> andy
> ++++
> NOC Advocate
> Lucent Technologies, Remote Access Business Unit (510)737-2151
> 4464 Willow Road
> Pleasanton, CA 94588
> -
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