Re: (PM) Location wont time-out

Gary McKinney (
Mon, 1 Jun 1998 09:18:34 -0400

Yes - We ran into that exact problem. NT4 has the ability to utilize a form
of Dynamic DNS using WINS - that is what our customer wanted as they have
clients come to their site with laptops and the laptops needed to be
assigned addresses dynamically via DHCP BUT the client wanted the laptops to
be accessible from the Internet ... Hince the DNS/WINS combo (I think
Microsoft is working on a version along this line to match the proposed
dynamic DNS roc and are going to put in their own suggestions on
implementation since they already have some experience in the area).

Go to the DNS services manager, select the domain, select the properties and
set the WINS check box to Local ( or something like that - the help section
is really poorly done in this area ) - that will keep the NT DNS from trying
to send the WINS information block to the Unix secondary server. The normal
default is to send the WINS information block and that is what is causing
the problem ( something like ID 32682 or some such number - the wrong one
anyway for BIND ).

I saw a post mentioning changing the NT DNS to NT Bind - that is another way
to go but you lose the ability to use the DNS/WINS combo on the NT and I
doubt that is what your client wants to do <grin>.

The world of OS's is converging - just wait for NT-6... (kernel in
assembly - security functions Selectable - several other changes which will
increase speed by almost a factor of 6).

NOTE: I am not an advocate of Microsoft or any other OS supplier - I am an
advocate for everything working together seamlessly!!!

Gary N. McKinney, MegaBits Online Systems Administrator
(407) 453-5900
Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably still
be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement.
-- Snoopy

-----Original Message-----
From: Samudra E. Haque <>
To: Gary McKinney <>
Cc: Timothy A. Gregory <>; <>
Date: Monday, June 01, 1998 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: (PM) Location wont time-out

>Gary McKinney wrote:
>> There are several really good whitepapers on the Microsoft website - use
>> online support and search for "DNS services" or just "DNS" - there are
>> several docs which describe the settings in WinNT4.0 (and 3.51) for the
>> DNS/WINS services...
>> gm..
>> (BTW: We had to do some research along the line of one customer wanting
>> run a Primary DNS server on their NT box and have us as their secondary
>> run Unix] - real interesting some of the configuration issues to allow
>> combo to work properly...)...
>> -----Original Message-----
>pray tell me please, (and perhaps the other users would like to know
>as well..).
>I had recently to get a leased port customer with NT4.0 SP3 with a
>primary DNS setup. The customer wanted to run WINS to take
>care of their DHCP+Dynamic hostname resolution feature. This I
>agreed to since it was cool, you could say
>and the WINS server would respond with the IP address it had
>DHCP allocated to the dummy server, without any entry
>in the DNS database. So, I thought it would be good.
>Turns out that if you select the WINS button on the
>properties dialog box of the MS-DNS config tool, a record
>of type WINS is inserted either at the top of the Zone file
>or in a peculiar combination in the middle of the Zone file.
>This then promptly causes my named 4.9.3-BETA26 to barf
>very profusely on that particular record. Seems that "WINS"
>is not an accepted type? It simply shows up as a 16-bit
>number and is consequently not accepted by my secondary DNS.
>Since they come into my portmaster network to get access
>to my WAN to do their own stuff, how would I then help them
>to resolve their own personal servers?
>Does anyone know whether later versions of named allow
>for this behaviour? Interesting, the DNS Whitepaper on the
>M$ web site is also mentioning that WINS doesn't work
>or is not recommended for public web sites.

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