Re: (PM) Location wont time-out

cx1tech (
Sun, 31 May 1998 14:55:47 -0700

You can try for your NT 4.0 Server needs..

At 02:31 PM 5/31/98 -0700, Timothy A. Gregory wrote:
>I've found some stuff like this in the past as well. ptrace
>is *definately* your friend. Things I've found keeping connections
>RIP - chatty, noisy, sloppy routing. I hate it.
>WinNT4 Servers - For some reason, they send out packets
>to the name server they have listed as primary every couple
>of minutes. Anyone know how to shut it off?
>Netbui/Netbios - it sends a packet to the *.*.*.255 address
>*very* frequently. Best thing to do is remove it. It's not
>needed in most networks.
>Customers can get pretty upset when their connection is up all the
>time and they pay by the minute above a certain level (for us
>is 180 channel hours per month). They usually stop screaming at me
>when I do a ptrace on thier network and show them what the
>problem was, and either tell them how to stop it or point them in
>the right direction. Too bad no one knows how to shut off the
>NT Server nameserver stuff. I've got one guy to fix it by running
>named on a UNIX machine on his lan. Why's he running NT when he
>has a UNIX machine? I don't know. I wouldn't, but he's not me ;-)
>Timothy A. Gregory
>Northwest Link Network Administrator
>Arabic > English Translator
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Paul Jacobs

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