Josh Richards (
Fri, 29 May 1998 00:53:39 -0700 (PDT)

On 28 May 1998, Jake Messinger wrote:

> On Wed, 27 May 1998, Don Lashier wrote:
> > On 5/28/98, at 9:10 AM, Abdul-Jalil Kanaan wrote:
> > >I am working now on testing RABM 1.0. Is there any news list for that?
> >
> > Did I miss something? Has RABM been released? Last I heard
> > was *another* 120 days, but v1.0? And it's listed on the products
> > page and has a slick pdf.
> Hrm, I was told it was a CLOSED beta, and I would THINK that people using
> closed beta's are NOT supposed to talk about it on a public list... but I
> dunno, since Im not testng it.

There is a Closed Beta going on as it is a software product, which means
development does _not_ stop once it gets out the door. At the same time,
there is also a limited market trial going on at the moment, as I
understand it. The main reason is to make sure that things go as smoothly
as possible and to make sure that support is properly trained on using the

RABM is a fairly large and complicated piece of software (and I'm sure
anyone who has ever used an accounting or billing package can understand
what I mean when I say that) and it being brand new, we are trying to
properly introduce it without driving the support people insane and piling
it onto them all at once. :-) If we did not handle it in this way it
would not be very fair to you, since you would not be receiving the
quality and support that you are going to want when you purchase a product
like this (or any product for that matter).

> I got the same message about it being a couple months away or MORE, but I
> have customers that really need something NOW.

You'll have to talk to a sales person here. I'm not involved on that
side. I'm only aware of what is in Beta, which is definitely not going to
be the same thing.


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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