Re: (PM) Package A or package B (Pac Bell)

Chris Parker (
Wed, 27 May 1998 11:17:51 -0500

At 08:59 AM 5/28/98 -0700, Jeff Halper wrote:
>pac Bell says I can get either package A - 23 channels + 1 channel for
>signalling, or I can get package B - 24 channels, no signalling.
>Does PM3 support Package B? Which is recommended - A or B?

Package A: 23 B + 1 D == PRI. You get 23 64k channels. This preferred
as you can do true 64k ISDN over PRI.

Package B: 24 B + inband signalling == Channelized T1. You get 24 56k
channels, ( you loose 8 bits per channel for the signalling ). You can
only do 56k Data Over Voice ISDN. Also the general consensus is that
this gives slightly slower connect speeds than PRI. Make sure this is
Trunkside, not Lineside CT1.

The good news is PM3's can work with both. :) Most PM3 users seem to
prefer PRI, ( I know I do! ) but if there is a cost difference that is
something to take into consideration.

Check Lucent RABU's site for more info on provisioning T1's for PM3's.


   \\\|||///  \  Chris Parker:    Systems Administration and Development
   \ ~   ~ /   \    StarNet, Inc.       \  
   | @   @ |    \     (847)963-0116      \ 
   TANSTAAFL      \ Wholesale Internet Services -

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