Re: (PM) MAC 56K Global Village

John W Baxter (
Tue, 26 May 1998 20:19:41 -0700

At 21:36 -0400 5/26/98, Jonathan Rosenson wrote:
>Anyone have any tricks to get a 33.6 Global Village on a MAC to connect to
>the PM3? I haven't come across too many users having problems with this
>modem, however, this particular customer has the updated firmware and can
>connect to our cisco 5200 units at another location just fine. Our PM3s
>are running ComOS 3.7.2c3.
>He is running a Power Computing mac clone with OS 8, FreePPP 2.6.2 (also
>tried OT/PPP 1.0 - no improvement) with a Global Village Teleport Platinum
>1.513 modem.
>The customer says his slow connect speeds: "...typically takes the
>form of unresponsive DNS and very slow POP transfer rates. When it does
>transfer, it is in spurts, often 5-30 seconds apart."
>He is connecting at 19200 normally, but gets 31200 on the cisco units.
>Jonathan Rosenson Stargate Industries, LLC

With FreePPP, I don't know the answer. OT/PPP works so much better for me
that I haven't used FreePPP for a long time.

My GV Platinum upgraded to 33.6 doesn't do this...neither does my GV56
(K56Flex) working at V.34 (the best available through my Central Office) or
at Flex speeds (from our office).

With OT/PPP, the thing to remember is that Apple doesn't ship the right
modem script for most Global Village modems as part of the standard System

Try OT/PPP with the incredibly-named script "GV 28.8/33.6 for ARA 2.1 OT/PPP"
This is available from the GV web site (if you can find it: good
hunting...this is a "how not to design web sites" example). It's also on
the standard MacOS 8 CD, in the CD Extras folder, then in the Additional
Modem Scripts folder. There, you'll find an installer with no options:
run it.

But I don't know whether your customer has a standard MacOS 8 CD or a Power
Computing version.

Apple doesn't even ship the right script installed on G3 machines with the
available internal modem: they ship a second CD containing the script and
some other stuff. AARGH. And they call those machines internet-ready.

Maybe they'll get it right on the iMac.


John Baxter
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