(PM) Tigris Feedback

Rob Merkwitza (support@octa4.net.au)
Mon, 25 May 1998 15:54:29 +0900

From: MegaZone <megazone@megazone.org>
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 15:26:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: (PM) ACC Tigress Terminal Server (fwd)

Once upon a time Adrian Carter shaped the electrons to say...
>Hi, has anybody any thoughts on the above? Any stories both good bad or
>downright ugly?

Looks decent on paper - but it doesn't work well. I'd asked about them a
number of times on lists like Inet-Access, just trying to find someone who'd
used one. Everyone I found had either tried them and sent them back and
moved to Ascend/Lucent/3Com - or they were still trying to make it work but
were losing their hair and sanity doing so. I haven't heard much at all
on them in months. They just aren't a major player it seems.

- -MZ
- --
<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, author, webmaster, human being, me
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 781-788-0130
<URL:mailto:megazone@gweep.net> <URL:http://www.megazone.org/> Hail Discordia!

Well we run Two PM3's and two Tigris ACC boxes, one being a 3 slot and the
other a 7 slot. I shall give you all a basic run down on what we found on
the two systems.

The PM3 was easy to install and seemed to work fairly well from the start
although we seemed to have a number of small problems with the initial
33.6k Modems and software. After the upgrade to 56K and the latest OS
things seemed to be working more smoothly.

The Tigris had a fair number of teething problems. We were one of the
first to have one in Australia. We did find that the support from ACC in
the states and their counter parts in Sydney was first grade. I must say
it was good to see that this kind of support was still available even if we
were on the other side of the world. We have had both servers (3 slot and
7 slot) operational now for 6 months and are very impressed with the
performance. From what we can see the Tigris out performs any other RAS we
have seen or used with it's Backplane and 56K technology without any loss
of operability or availability.
As shown in an Article in Mier Communications the same story evolves. I am
not sure which articles you guys are talking about though I guess they are
farily old.

We use the PM3's in all of our POP sites but have them all connecting to a
7 slot Tigris. The partitioning side of the Tigris software is very
powerfull and extremely usefull. We are able to divide PRA's and group off
modems into 33.6, 56K, ISDN and Frame-Relay all from the same box. IT's
great for use as a central point of adminitration or HUB like config for
all our WAN's as well as giving us the possibility to provide a number of
different services to all off our clients from the one Unit.
Also the funtionallity of the software gives us Web administration easy
config of Filters and monitoring as well as powerfull functions such as
forcing MAX Connect speeds on all og the modems, which has come especially
handy with the release of 56K. We have Forced our modems to a MAX connect
speed of 48K therefor solving alot of connecting problems.

Any how don't get me wrong about the PM3's, love em, do exaclty what we
need them to do, just saying don't ride of the Tigris Servers. They have
the thumbs up for our end.. :)

Rob Merkwitza
Technical Manager
Octa4 Pty Ltd - CODE MEDIA
Darwin, Australia
Phone +61 8 8941 0699
Fax +61 8 8941 0833

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