Re: (PM) 56k Solution (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 22 May 1998 15:10:50 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jon Lewis shaped the electrons to say...
>Hmm...if by MCMP you mean multi-chasis multilink PPP, I was assured by our


>Cisco rep that it did that...though I can't really imagine having several
>5300's. You'd need ear protection to walk into the network room.

Ok. Cisco at first need a concentrator - like a 7200 - that handled
MCMP for the stack.

Users, understandable, balked at this. I mean, WHY? Ascend does it,
Lucent does it, even 3Com kind of does it (I still think MPIP is weak - and
their proposed solution is to release a UNIX MPIP server to offload the TCs!).
So they developed MCMP to be done within the stack of 5200/5300/5800 chassis

However, they still encourage (read PUSH) the router based solution as being
a more efficient, more capable, etc, solution.

IMHO it sounds more like an excuse, or an attempt to sell more high margin


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