Re: (PM) Re: [E106673] 3.8b15 missing "help set user-netmask"

Chad Scott (
Fri, 22 May 1998 12:02:48 -0700 (PDT)

On 21 May 1998, Rick Smith wrote:

> another little petty thing... but would be REALLY nice.
> we have multiple portmasters in one pop, and in the process
> of trying to organize our racks, trying to figure out which
> one is which is really a pain in the butt. A speaker in the
> machine with REALLY simple 'beep' code would be a nice addition.
> At least then the portmasters can be labelled by sound instead
> of loss of power / ethernet ;)

What I do is stand behind the rack and reboot the box in question. Watch
the neato green blinkly lights (the ones that blink once every five
seconds when a PM is running). During reboot, the light will go
blinkyblinkyblinkyblinky and then light solid. Aha... there's the
portmaster you're looking for.

You could also just use adhesive labels... they work too. =0

Chad Scott
Beta Engineer
Lucent Technologies

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