Re: (PM) NT Radius Crashes -- Memory Problems

Thomas Kinnen (
Fri, 22 May 1998 06:56:48 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 22 May 1998, alanh wrote:

> I stand corrected and am thankful for the Info
> However, the last point I made was infact correct. The Dr Watson crashed
> and reported the RADSVC as the culprit.

Right, The problem is that though that is where the crash happened it may
not be what caused it. For Example if program A violates programs B
memory, program B crashs and Dr Watson correctly reports that B crashed
but it is not what caused it (Yes, I know NTs memory usage is supposed to
prevent that but....).

I think best in this case though would to probally contact support and
give them as much info such as radsvc.ini, radsvc.txt, dr watson logs and
so forth.


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