Re: (PM) NT Radius Crashes -- Memory Problems

Thomas C Kinnen (
Fri, 22 May 1998 05:31:58 -0400

>160k to 40Mb in 5 days). Because it loads and unloads this into memory when
>the service is started and stopped, this gets interesting. We found it was
>better to turn it off. It also uses this mdb as a Users cache if you turn

It does not load it into memory. It actually performs a pack on the
database on startup to recover any wasted space.

>on Users cache. This means that it stores the users to save it looking in
>the SAM. Apart from the fact that it may cause password changes not to be

Nope, It only puts in the entries from the users file. It does not copy any
entries from your SAM to speedup lookup. If your users file is just one
default entry of Auth-Type=System then that is all that will be in the
usercache table. Even if you list each user and do not use a default entry
and do Auth-Type = System RadiusNT still has to access the SAM to check the
PW. I've found here that user file entryes with going to the SAM are over
500% faster to verify (all entries with password = are 10 MS or less,
Auth-type=System is 500 or longer on average). Also found if Radius is
running on the PDC it is slower then on a Domain Member (Above numbers on
from on a PDC).

>The RADIUS software recommends that you use SP3 for NT4.0. we currently run
>RADIUS on NT4.0 SP1 with no problems. We have experienced consistent
>problems with SP3 and RADIUS and Dr. Watson errors on a regular basis.
>Therefore we downgraded both boxes.

SP1 has a number of problems and I would not recomond running it. YOu may
want to look at the Dr Watson log and see what other processes are running
at the time of the crash because I've found a number of intances where the
program that crashed is not the program causing the crash.


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