Re: (PM) Clone WAN port?

Thomas C Kinnen (
Fri, 22 May 1998 05:14:57 -0400

> I have a PM3-2 that has a PRI and a FT1. I just got the WAN card and
>will be moving the FT1 to it to install a 2nd PRI. Is there any way to
>quickly copy the config from line1 to line2?

Not sure if it will work but try saving the config with PMVison (Amber),
copy the parts relevant to the FR to another file and do a search/replace
for any than that needs to be changed (Ie: line0 -> W1 or what ever [Can not
rember what the wan card interface is]). Than use that as a script by
pasting into telnet or a teminal program. Just keep in mind that they very
first line of a PMVision saved config is "DO NOT EDIT" so use at your own


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