Re: (PM) NT Radius Crashes -- Memory Problems

alanh (
Fri, 22 May 1998 09:19:21 +0100

>>Hi I am running Livingston Radius for NT and about every 2-3 days it

Our RADIUS boxes are 233MHz 164MB RAM. We have them running in a Domain
with a PDC server which is a P100 and 64Mb of RAM. This allows us to do
look ups in the NT SAM database. We have two NT boxes with the RADIUS (b12)
software and the each have two Livingston PM3's pointed at them with the
Alternates pointed at the other e.g
Liv1 and Liv 2 Authentic = Arm Alternate = Leg
Liv 3 and Liv 4 Authentic = Leg Alternate = Arm

We have a third, smaller box to get the Detail file and we process accounts
on there via PERL for NT.

Our Accounting is done by updating the NT SAM at hourly intervals via a
perl script which runs an SQL query on our MS SQL accounts database and
then uses a home grown .exe to update the SAM. This is quite effcient as we
only change or update users accesses, not rewrite the whole thing (takes
about 2 mins to check 16000 users.)

Our DNS is on a SCO box. This is both historical and because we have little
faith in the NT DNS.

Problems we have found.
By default the RADIUS software has an Access datafile called RADIUS.MDB
which it uses to store Start and Stop records in as well as the detail
file. If you don't watch this file it can get very large very quickly (from
160k to 40Mb in 5 days). Because it loads and unloads this into memory when
the service is started and stopped, this gets interesting. We found it was
better to turn it off. It also uses this mdb as a Users cache if you turn
on Users cache. This means that it stores the users to save it looking in
the SAM. Apart from the fact that it may cause password changes not to be
picked up immeadiatly, the file again gets v.large (in the area of 32Mb for
16000 users).

The RADIUS software recommends that you use SP3 for NT4.0. we currently run
RADIUS on NT4.0 SP1 with no problems. We have experienced consistent
problems with SP3 and RADIUS and Dr. Watson errors on a regular basis.
Therefore we downgraded both boxes.

I hope this helps, if you need any more info don't hesitate to contact us.

Alan Harding
Senior Operations Engineer.
Mitsubishi Electric Internet Division
"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person"
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