Re: (PM) 56k Solution

Chad Scott (
Tue, 19 May 1998 17:18:14 -0700 (PDT)

On 19 May 1998, Darin wrote:

> I work for a small internet provider and we are getting ready to
> upgrade so that we can allow 56k access and we are trying to figure out
> which way to go , can someone give us some unbias opinions . We have
> been using a PM2E with good results but we need to upgrade some hardware
> now and we just want to make sure that we are getting the most bang for
> our buck and not buying a lot of headaches .

I don't know how unbiased the portmaster-users list will be, but... =)

I used to work for an ISP that had Ascend, USR, and Livingston (now
Lucent) equipment. The Livingston/Lucent equipment gave me the least
amount of trouble.

Chad Scott
Beta Engineer
Lucent Technologies

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