Re: (PM) ISDN and modems on PM3

Dave Stewart (
Tue, 19 May 1998 13:37:30 -0400

At 12:55 PM 5/19/98 -0400, Gary claimed...
>ISDN is brand spankin' new to me. How do you separate your modem callers
>from your ISDN callers? I want to enforce a different rate for the ISDN
>people. I also would like to charge different rates for different ISDN
>speeds/channels. I have a PM3 running 3.8b15 with 2 PRIs connected to it.
>Yes, I searched the archives!

Here, we do it with RADIUS entries.

Those who don't pay for ISDN access fall through to the DEFAULT entry,
which looks like this for check items:

DEFAULT Auth-Type = System, NAS-Port-Type = Async

NAS-Port-Type = Async means that the user must be calling on an analog
modem in order to pass that check item.... if they call using ISDN, they
never get authenticated.

If someone pays for 64K (single channel) ISDN, they get their own entry:

<username> Auth-Type = System
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-Routing = None,
Framed-MTU = 1500,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP,
Session-Timeout = 43200,
Idle-Timeout = 1800,
Port-Limit = 1

Note the "Port-Limit=1"

Then for those who pay for 128K (dual channel), they get "Port-Limit=2"

The Port-Limit=1 doesn't keep 'em from logging on twice (see various
discussions on Cistron RADIUS in the archives), but it does keep them from
creating a single 128K channel.

All that works like a champ... and allows us to have different rates for:

a) Analog modem callers
b) Single channel ISDN
c) Dual channel ISDN

One note - we allow our ISDN users to be able to access the system via
analog modems if they need to... occasionally, they'll be at a friend's
house, or someplace away from their ISDN line and need access - since
they're paying the higher rate anyway, we don't care if they come in analog
or ISDN.

Dave Stewart
System Manager
Homenet Communications, Inc.
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