RE: (PM) Digitial Padding?

Terradon Johnson (
Mon, 18 May 1998 18:37:30 -0700

> Hello List,
> Can someone tell me what each of these fields means? I
> understand LAST TX,
> RX, PROTOCOL, Compressions, and Termination Reason but after that
> things get
> kind of fuzzy.
> Whats a good line quality?
for rockwell modems: 0-20 is good, 20-30 is okay, and 30 and above is
yucky. It is on a sliding scale depending on the connection speed. So a
20 on a 56k connection, might be a 2 or 3 on a 336 connection.

> Whats the Rx Level?
Receive speeds.

> What the hell
> is EQM.
don't know what this is.

> Whats a good Digital Pad?
digital pad is what the phone company uses to boost the signal. Should
be at -6 decibles. If they have none or too much, it won't do a flex

> What does the last line mean?
this means that it made a flex connection. if youdidn't, it would say
that it was unsucessful.


> at&v1
> LAST TX rate................ 31200 BPS
> HIGHEST TX rate............. 31200 BPS
> LAST RX rate................ 46000 BPS
> HIGHEST RX rate............. 46000 BPS
> PROTOCOL.................... LAPM
> COMPRESSION................. V42Bis
> Line QUALITY................ 026
> Rx LEVEL.................... 013
> Highest Rx State............ 68
> Highest TX State............ 65
> EQM Sum..................... 0091
> RBS Pattern................. 00
> Rate Drop................... 00
> Digital Pad................. 3dB
> Local Rtrn Count............ 00
> Remote Rtrn Count........... 00
> V8bis K56Flex 940181E1
> -
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