Re: (PM) delete entire pm2 user table

Kendrick Myatt (
Mon, 18 May 1998 10:07:02 -0500

Thanks to all for the answers :) Looks like it is a bit different
than the PM3 in that my users file is named passwd + there is no doc
for the erase command, but erase file passwd seems to have worked
just fine, though I did have to issue it several times before it
actually got
rid off the passwd file *shrug*

I figured Amber would do it as well, but I could not get it to
install on my NT box here (likely a problem on my end as my PC is a
bit beyond the fdisk + start over stage, corruption wise...) I'm
going to try that again soon, as well as all the other beta stuff :)

Speaking of undocumented commands... Wasn't there some documentation
on those which was created a while back? I think I remember seeing
it on the list once before...



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