Re: (PM) ISDN problems

R Gibbons (
Sat, 16 May 1998 17:02:58 -0700 (PDT)

It's interesting that telco's are the same anywhere in the country.
We have had this same problem (circuit being forced to 56K from 64K)
several times with a dedicated customer and PacBell. The last time
I talked to 4 or 5 different PacBell techs, all who said there was nothing
wrong with the circuit. I had our customer change the line from 64 to 56k
and the circuit came right up. Finally, an engineer in PB found something,
fixed it, and we were back to 64K. Right after that one of the earlier
PB tech's called back to tell me they couldn't find anything wrong. I
told him the problem had already been found and fixed. Another case of
the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. There have been
many, many times when circuit problems have been fixed after we notified
the telco and their response has been "we didn't do anything". I firmly
believe that telco's do not want paper trails and acknowledging that they
fixed a problem means there was one to begin with and they would have to
document it.

Richard Gibbons
EmpireNet Inc.

> The client in question got back online last night, so I emailed him asking
> what was up. Here's his reply:
> I'm not sure. I made a few calls to BellSouth's ISDN repair center in
> Louisville, KY and it started working. I believe that they did some
> test calls checking the routing from my switch on Tower Road to your
> switch. They didn't tell me of any problems found, however, it is now
> working. I guess that is why they call it "I Still Don't kNow".
> I love it when the telco fixes things that officially were never broken.

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