Re: (PM) Mac user can't connect to PM3

Jon Rust (
Thu, 14 May 1998 10:17:55 -0700

On 5/13/98 8:00 PM proclaimed --

> I have a Mac user that just can't connect to our PM3. He's using a
>Performa 575, OT 1.1.1 and a Mac Supra 33.6k modem. I've tested the modem
>on another system (same phone line) and it works great. When the same
>modem is used with his system the PM3 gives the following debug info
>(sorry for the length):
> It then just hangs up when the Mac times out with a message that says
>a connection was made, but it was unreliable which is why it disconnected.
> Any ideas? I've tried different modems, different cables, various
>port speeds, different handshaking settings, different phone lines and I'm
>sure a few other things I can't even remember (I tried using the printer
>port instead of the modem port in case something was wrong with it). I'm
>stuck and this guys getting more pissed each day. :(

I had this exact same thing happen to my dad's account yesterday. I was
perusing my users file, and I noticed his entry didn't have a netmask. It
was a single IP, so I added "Framed-Netmask =," to it.
While that statement was there, I got the message you describe above. I
tried it with a W95 machine (DUN 1.2), and it worked fine (though
winipcfg still showed huh??). Once I removed the nm
statement, it worked fine. Even after removing, the assigned nm is /32,
so I couldn't tell you why the Mac barfed.

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