Re: (PM) Killing multiple logins

Stefan Hudson (
Wed, 13 May 1998 17:02:05 -0700

On Wed, May 13, 1998 at 02:19:41PM -0700, Josh Ward wrote:
> I haven't seen anyone post a script that does this (using SNMP or pmcom).
> Can people who have scripts like this share them with the rest of the
> group? Messy or not, any help would be great!

I've posted this before, but I guess it's about time to do it again.
I run this once a minute, and it kicks off duplicate users (without
affecting MPP connections), and will also do idle terminations iff the
total number of ports in use is above a certain threshold. Nice for
the people that are online at 4am...

# - version 1.1 Copyright 1998 Stefan Hudson / Monterey Bay Internet
# Version 1.1 - Modified to work with SNMP 1.7
# Version 1.0 - Initial Release
# Run from a crontab with somethine like this:
# 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * (/usr/local/sbin/>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

$PMCOM='/usr/local/sbin/pmcom'; # Location of the "pmcom" command.
$BUSY = 250; # Number of ports that must be used before we start kicking people off
$IDLE = 840; # Idle timer in seconds (14 minutes) (when we are over $BUSY)
$LIMIT = 28800; # Session timer in seconds (8 hours) (all the time)

# Specify terminal servers to monitor here.
@SERVERS=("pm0", "pm1", "pm2", "pm3", "pm4", "pm5");

$COMMUNITY="foobar"; # SNMP read community for portmasters
$LOGSERV = 'local5|info'; # syslog service for logging. I use the same one the PMs use.

use SNMP 1.7;
use Sys::Syslog;
$Sys::Syslog::host = "localhost";


foreach $pm (@SERVERS) {
$session = new SNMP::Session ( DestHost => $pm, Community => $COMMUNITY );
next if(!$session);

$pinfo = new SNMP::VarList (
['livingstonSerialUser', 1], # 0
['livingstonSerialPortName', 1], # 1
['livingstonSerialStarted', 1], # 2
['livingstonSerialIdle', 1], # 3
['livingstonSerialIpAddress', 1], # 4

@ret = $session->get($pinfo);

while(@ret) {
# print join(" ", @ret), "\n";
@ret = $session->getnext($pinfo);
next if(!$ret[0]);
last if($pinfo->[0][$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f] !~ 'livingstonSerialUser\.\d+');
next if ($ret[0] eq 'PPP');

$ret[0]=~ s/(.ppp|.slip|.cslip)//;
$port[0] = $pm;
$port[1] = $ret[1]; # port name
$port[2] = $ret[0]; # username
$port[3] = $ret[4]; # address
$port[4] = int($ret[2]/100); # uptime
$port[5] = int($ret[3]/100); # busy

# print("$port[3]\n");
push(@ports, [@port]);
push(@{$users{$port[2]}}, [@port]);

foreach(@ports) {
if(($#ports > $BUSY && $_->[5] > $IDLE) || ($_->[4] > $LIMIT)) {
# print("$_->[1] $_->[2] $_->[3] $_->[4] $_->[5]\n");

foreach $user (sort(keys(%users))) {
if($#{@users{$user}}) { # More than one port in use
# print("$user $users{$user}[0]->[3] $port->[3]\n");
foreach $port (@{$users{$user}}) { # Check each port user is on
if($port->[3] ne $users{$user}[0]->[3]) {
printf("%s duplicate $user ($users{$user}[0]->[3] $port->[3])\n", scalar(localtime()));
syslog($LOGSERV, "portcheck: duplicate $user ($users{$user}[0]->[3] $port->[3])\n");
foreach $port (@{$users{$user}}) {&killport(@{$port})};

#print("$_ $#{@users{$_}} $users{$_}[0]->[3] $users{$_}[1]->[3]\n");

sub killport {
printf("%s terminating %s %s (up %s idle %s)\n", scalar(localtime()), $port[2], $port[3], timestr($port[4]), timestr($port[5]));
syslog($LOGSERV, "portcheck: terminating %s addr %s port %s %s (up %s idle %s)\n", $port[2], $port[3], $port[0], $port[1], timestr($port[4]), timestr($port[5]));
system($PMCOM, $port[0], "reset $port[1]");

sub timestr {
local($ttime) = @_;
$str=sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", int(($ttime%86400)/3600), int(($ttime%3600)/60), $ttime%60);
$str=sprintf("%d $str", int($ttime/86400)) if($ttime>86400);

     /// Stefan Hudson <>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
\\\///  -  Email:
 \XX/ Voice: 408-642-6100  Fax: 408-642-6101  Modem: 408-642-6102
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