Re: (PM) PM3 disconnect problems

Tim Wilfong (
Sun, 10 May 1998 21:57:41 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 9 May 1998, Don Lashier wrote:

> Are you aware of the early Win95 bug where the idle timeout
> looks at kb and mouse activity rather than modem activity? This causes
> a user-request disconnect usually 15 minutes (default setting)
> into a transfer.

Thanks for the reply. We've been aware of this one for a while, although
many users aren't. :) Some of the complaints I get may be due to the
above, but I'm sure that is not the main cause of what I'm seeing. Many
users see this problem while they are actively surfing the 'net, with less
than 5 minutes delay between mouse clicks. I've gone over to users' houses
and watched them to make sure that these weren't due to user error.

On Sat, 9 May 1998, Josh Richards wrote:

> On 8 May 1998, Tim Wilfong wrote:
> [snip -- complaints, modems, phone lines, etc.]
> > I've had problems with a small, but significant portion of our users
> > dialing in and getting disconnected in the midle of transfers (no, not
> > idle disconnects or anything obvious like that) -- the disconnects usually
> > happen anywhere between 1 minute and 20 minutes after logging in. The
> > reported cause is always User-Request, even though it is never a user
> > request.
> Any particular brand of modem or chipset? What types of connection speeds
> are these users getting (look at a "show mX" then find the sX port they
> are connected to)? How are your lines provisioned? A User-Request means
> that the user was either reset from the CLI (or Amber), or the PM received
> a terminate request (which is how most PPP client stacks disconnect). Turn
> on a "set debug 0x51" watch it for a problem user until they get
> disconnected and see if anything goes across (from either side), then run
> it through the PPP decoder on our web site.

I will use the debug method you suggestand see if it gives me any more
usefull info.

The problems seem to run the gambit. Most users with the problem connect
at 42-46K if they are running K56Flex modems, or 26.4-31.2K for V.34. I
haven't seen any correllation between connect speed (or modem make or
model) and dropped connections. Also, my statement above seems to suggest
that disconnects occur only durring transfers -- that's not the case. The
disconnects will occur durring idle periods (short idle periods -- not due
to an idle timeout) or during transfers; it makes no difference.

We are provisioned for a robbed-bit T1, rather than PRI. We are running
B8ZS/ESF and "Trunk E&M wink start" signaling. I went through April's
portmaster-users digest and read a reference to signaling problems that
seemed to suggest that getting the Telco to chang the signal from Wink
Start to Wink Immediate makes a big difference. Is there anything to this?

> > We're currently running 3.7.2, but we've had these problems with earlier
> > versions as well (although not as much).
> You should be using 3.7.2c3 which is the latest modem code (well besides
> a beta release).

Actualy, we are running 3.7.2c3. But this problem has been with us off and
on through several versions.

Tim Wilfong
Best 1 Internet (805) 929-7200

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