Re: (PM) OR-HS trouble

Jon Lewis (
Sun, 10 May 1998 17:16:01 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 9 May 1998, Josh Richards wrote:

> Not that I'm aware of. There is a performance update in 3.7 for synch
> ports but that is all. Does the link physically go down or just the PPP
> layer? I'm assuming the PPP layer, does anything show up under a PPP
> debug on either side?

Well...the Cisco was reporting serial blah is up, line protocol is down.
The really odd thing was that we'd lent out the OR-HS to another customer
just 2 days before, and they used it for about 24h without a problem.
The only difference was that with the first customer (one with no
problems) we were using BAT's at both ends. The customer with the
problems had a Kentrox D-Serve at their end. Both customer T1's appear
"dirty" and are reporting hundreds or thousands of CRC errors per day.

Roughly 48h after replacing the OR-HS with a 2501, the problem customer's
T1 has not gone down again.

I'm interested in testing this some more because we really liked how easy
it was to setup and install the OR...and they're cheaper than even a used
2501. We'd like to be able to recommend them to all our future end-user
type T1 customers.

Jon Lewis <> | for cheap
Network Administrator | life insurance over the net.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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