(PM) Passwords

Mario Misic (mario@laus.hr)
Thu, 07 May 1998 08:19:56 +0300

Hi everyone!

I have Portmaster 2ER and on AIX machine I have Radius software. On Radius
I have configured users with their access passwords. They also have
password on another Unix machine (not on the same where is Radius). I know
that it is possible to use System Password but only from the server where
is Radius installed, but it is not sollution for me because that machine is
firewall who separate two networks. Also I know that NIS is one of solution
but my network for now is so specific so NIS will not help. I was wondering
is it possible to configure Radius to use password file from specified unix
machine, I mean when user mario logged in Portmaster Radius says password
for user mario is in password file on machine orlando.laus.hr.

If all above is not possible don't you think that users on Portmaster must
be allowed to change their passwords!

~ Mario Misic | e-mail: mario@laus.hr ~
~ CC Computer Consulting | Tel: +385 (20) 411-136 ~
~ Janjevska 15 | +385 (1) 6552-330 ~
~ 20 000 Dubrovnik | Fax: +385 (20) 411-136 ~
~ Hrvatska (Croatia) | URL: http://www.laus.hr ~

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