Re: (PM) More b15 V.90 Info

John W Baxter (
Tue, 5 May 1998 18:25:06 -0700

At 11:04 -0500 5/5/98, wrote:
>On Mon, 4 May 1998, Jeremy Malli wrote:
>> I just talked to a customer who is using a USR V.90 compliant Sportster
>> who was getting 50666 connects, but it would take 3 to 5 times before he
>> could make any connection at all. Once he was connected he said it
>> worked great, no disconnects, etc. It was just getting that first
>> connect that was the problem.
>Probably because he connected at 50666 and the modems retrained back down
>to 28800. To hell with connect speed... do a download... and THEN see
>what you get.

In V.90, does the consumer modem have the same pretty-tight control over
speeds as in Flex? [The Flex way makes sense to's the user modem
which sees the phone line.]

If so, the "USRobotics FaxModem ITU Standard and X2 technology compatible
56K" modem (that's a "longish" replacement for "Sportster") seems awfully
anxious to renegotiate. Sitting on a telnet session watching "my" modem in
the PM3, I can tell that *most* renegotiations result in the same speed
being picked at the end as at the beginning (discounting those show Mx
commands which induce another renegotiation). At least that's the case on
my Flex-free phone exchange.


John Baxter
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