(PM) Problem with PM2 disconnecting ppl.

Alan Sawyer (frooky@sx.com.au)
Wed, 6 May 1998 09:47:38 +1000 (EST)

This has happened to me once before, and last time a new flash image &
reloading the config fixed it, but not this time.

The problem is as the portmaster gets up to about 70% utilization of
ports, when a user logs in, they type username, they type password, and
as soon as they hit enter on their password the PM2 disconnects them.

It is seemingly random as to what ports it is experienced on, and its not
possible to duplicate the problem when one logs in when port utilization
is low (when logging on to each port specifically)

Any suggestions would be appreciated, I've tried 3.7.2, 3.7 & 3.5 with a
previously working configuration.

Regards, Alan Sawyer. IRC @ Frooky.
System/Network Administrator for Satlink.
I've used up all my sick days.... so I'm calling in dead.

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