(PM) Re: [E106073] b15 & Hung PM3

John G. Thompson (support@livingston.com)
Tue, 05 May 1998 10:36:09 -0700

At 10:24 AM 5/5/98 -0500, Tom T. Thai wrote:
> I was miles away and when I got to the PM3 I just power cycle it.
>Did have time to do all of the below.

I assume you mean "didn't have time".

I understand the need to keep the units up and running. I didn't mean to
imply that I expected you would have done the stuff below. I was prompting
in the hope that you had the chance to do some of them before power cycling

>But I'll hook up a console just
>incase it happened again.




>On Mon, 4 May 1998, John G. Thompson wrote:
>> At 10:38 AM 5/4/98 -0500, Tom T. Thai wrote:
>> >I've ran b15 every since it was first available on one of our box with 1
>> >CT1 and PRI. On Saturday, the PM3 locked up completely. No telnet, all
>> >lines were bz out. The only way to bring the box back up was to power
>> >cycle. No other changes were made to the box.
>> Where you able to connect via the console port? If so, what, if anything
>> were you able to see? Is this how you saw the dedicated customer below?
>> >One thing that was happening was there was a dedicated customer with 2 B
>> >channels. One channel was established fine. The other channel kept
>> >dialing the remote client but couldn't establish. Not sure if this could
>> >have brought the PM3 down.
>> >
>> >When the PM3 was hung, the PRI line also locked up and the telco had to
>> >reset the line. After the PM3 was back up and the PRI line was reset,
>> >I've noticed that V.90 connects that were fine before now need to make
>> >atleast 6-10 attempts to connect reliably.
>> How about connections via the CT1? How are they performing?
>> What does a show linex for the PRI look? Send me a copy?
>> Also send a copy of version, show global, show netstat and show line0 and
>> line1
>> Not sure what to make of this yet.
>> Keep the console port connected to a terminal, login as !root and set
>> console incase it happens again.
>> Let me know!
>> JGT
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> John G. Thompson -- Lucent Technologies -- 800-458-9966
>> Tech Support Eng. -- Remote Access Business Unit -- 925-737-2100
>> JOAT(MON) -- Technical Support --
>> http://www.livingston.com/Tech/Support/techsup.html
>> SEE ALSO http://www.livingston.com/Tech/Docs/Release/index.html
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ******* The solution to any problem lies in its proper definition. *******
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>.............. ....................................
>Thomas T. Thai Infomedia Interactive Communications
>tom@iic.net TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087
John G. Thompson -- Lucent Technologies -- 800-458-9966
Tech Support Eng. -- Remote Access Business Unit -- 925-737-2100
JOAT(MON) -- Technical Support --
SEE ALSO http://www.livingston.com/Tech/Docs/Release/index.html
******* The solution to any problem lies in its proper definition. *******
soon - adverb. In the near future, shortly. (American Heritage)
*soon* - When engineering is confident that: (a) the problem is fixed,
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