(PM) What does "Call Circuit Closed" in the syslog mean?

Henrik Johansson (hj@globecom.net)
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 23:30:24 +0100 (CET)


I get A LOT of these in the logfile:

Feb 26 14:34:24 pm3-1 portmaster: port S39 terminated - User Request -
Call Circuit Closed

Many people have written and called our support, asking why they get
disconnected, and this has often showed up as the reason. Anyone know
exactly what it means? Or perhaps could point me to it in the manuals.

This is from a PM3 (E1) with 6 TDM K56Flex cards in it.



Henrik Johansson email: hj@globecom.net tel: +46 (0)31-727 57 00
Systems Manager mobile: +46 (0)706-26 15 45 fax: +46 (0)31-727 57 15
GlobeCom AB PGP-Key: http://www.one.se/~hj/pgp/ http://globecom.net/

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