(PM) A few newbie questions about the PM3

Henrik Johansson (hj@globecom.net)
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 14:33:38 +0100 (CET)


we just purchased a few PM3s and I must say Im amazed by how simple they
were to setup. We have Ascend Maxens too, and I think the PM3 is easier to
setup than the Ascend. I was also amazed by how good the K56Flex
connections are. I have users connecting a 52Kbit and 1 even connected at
54Kbit but it decreased after about 20-30 seconds to 52Kbit. I almost fell
off my chair, didnt think it was possible :-).

Anyway, here comes my questions. I am tailing the syslog from the PM3, and
I have a few questions what these different disconnect causes mean. I have
scanned the Livingston website, but I can't seem to find any references.
If you know of any, please point me to them.

port S56 terminated - User Request - Call Circuit Closed

port S50 terminated - User Request - Normal LAPM Disconnect
Is this the users modem disconnecting because of too many V42 errors?

port S37 terminated - User Error - PPP NCP Active to Request
This looks like someone without TCP/IP installed, correct?

port S42 terminated - Port Error - Exceeded LAPM retransmission limit
Is this the PM3 disconnecting because of too many V42 errors?


Henrik Johansson
GlobeCom AB

Henrik Johansson email: hj@globecom.net tel: +46 (0)31-727 57 00
Systems Manager mobile: +46 (0)706-26 15 45 fax: +46 (0)31-727 57 15
GlobeCom AB PGP-Key: http://www.one.se/~hj/pgp/ http://globecom.net/

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