Re: [ Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access

Charles Scott (
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 01:13:28 -0500 (EST)

Having followed this whole debate (I use the term loosly), I'm left with
one lingering concern. That being what impact the article in question,
and the process used will, have on our customers.
It's a daily struggle convincing customers that the initial connect
rate is not all that important and that it can be very deceiving. If the
tests performed by Boardwatch in any way glorify higher initial connect
rates, regardless of any comparative results, I fear it will do us all a
Not having had the opportunity to see the article, I would agree that
any fears I have are only based on scant few details I've seen in these
discussions. I certainly don't single out Boardwatch when I say that I'm
frequently distressed by the media and their "never get anything but
Unlimited", "megabit DSL service should be $30/month" approach to our
industry. This is however what drives my anxiety about the media and why
I'm concerned about the message being delivered.
I'm looking forward to actually reading the final copy and for all I
know I may be pleasantly surprised. Regardless, I'm still concentrating
on what is really important for my customers, overall real-world
performance and the desire that they know I strive toward that end.
Fortunately, the reporting available from our PM3's makes that truly
possible. Being able to tell our customers what is happening dynamically
with their connection when a competitor cannot, and how it affects what
they see at their browser, gives them a higher level of confidence in
us as a provider. It also make them a more educated customer and
potentially with the cooperation of the media a more educated consumer.

Chuck Scott, Freeway

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