Re: (PM) A problem with filters (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 05:27:30 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Sine Wave Surfmaster shaped the electrons to say...
>Thanks for the note. I don't believe it is applicable in this case though as
>the filter was on the input of the PM-2 and I was running ptrace from a telnet
>session established from the dial-out line (i.e. the connection that keeps
>being established because the filter isn't working).

This means absolutely nothing. 'ptrace' will always show traffic before
ANY filters - period. it doesn't care - nor even KKOW for that matter -
which physical interface you are on. It talks to the abstract logical
interface of 'console'. You'd see the same thing no matter where you
were coming in from.

You should use 'ptrace [filter] extended' and you'll see where packets
are going.


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