Re: (PM) Postscript format of new manuals (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 05:19:44 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Don Lashier shaped the electrons to say...
>I recall from my IBM mainframe days that IBM used to distribute
>manual "updates". Manuals were all 3 hole, and the updates just
>contained replacement pages or addt'l new pages.
>Maybe LE could issue an "update" document with just the changed/new

Oh goddess please NO! Xylogics used to do this. It was HELL. There
was no easy way to tell what updates anyone had, and users always lost
them, put them in the wrong place, didn't bother to update all of
their manuals, etc. In the end Xylo went to bound manuals to get
away from this system.


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