Re: (PM) Busy signal calling into 5-bri card.
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 13:04:03 -0500 (EST)

What COMOS do you have on?

First I'd check to make sure that the phone company has setup hunting
properly. This is a big PITA for BA/Nynex.

If that doesnt work, I'd set con, then set deb isdn on
and see if the portmaster is acknowledging the call. If something comes up
on the portmaster, but the user still gets a busy, I'd call support. We
had just the opposite happen. We'd get ring-no-answer (and the port said
IDLE, not NO-SERVICE), so we downgraded to ComOS 3.5 and it took care of

> I'm getting a busy signal when I call either of the 2 channels that I have
> connected to my 5 BRI card.
> The line is provisioned for both data and voice, however, instead of a
> ring, I get busy.
> Is there something I have to configure?
> Drew
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Jason Philbrook         |         Midcoast Internet Solutions         |     Internet Access, LAN, WAN, and Linux    |   Service and Consulting for Midcoast Maine

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