Re: (PM) DOV Failure [Additional Info] (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 03:19:11 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Lord GAD shaped the electrons to say...
>More information re: my DOV problems
> (See previous post: (PM) DOV Failure)
>I cannot dial DOV to this PM3 From anywhere, the problem is not specific
>to a call from me to it.
>I cannot dial DOV out of this PM3 to anywhere else except;
> I CAN dial DOV from the PM3 in question to ITSELF!

This means it is almost certainly your telco - I'd say it definitely is.
Sounds like if you are just calling roundtrip through the switch the PM
gets its lines from then it is ok. But calls coming in externally
and being routed onto the PM's line, or going out of the switch from the
PM, are choked, no DOV.

If the PM-3 can make any DOV calls it isn't the PM-3, and if the PRI
can handle any DOV it isn't that PRI. So you need to look upstream
starting with the switch. Have fun in telco land.


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