Re: (PM) win95 PPP via RS232 cable into PM2 ?

Scot W. Hetzel (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 16:01:48 -0600

-----Original Message-----
From: Kai <>

>I wish to hook up a win95 box into a PM2's serial port and run PPP to it.
>The connection works correctly from a hardware point of view (e.g.: I
>can use it via Hyperterm just fine), but it seems that the missing part
>is a modem.inf file for a direct-cable connection. Read: a modem driver
>that never dials, complains about the "modem" (here: cable) not returning
>OK's in response to AT commands, not being queryable via ATI<n> , etc.
>I have searched M$'s website for about 6 hours now. Has anyone got a
>solution for this ? (don't recommend me to buy an ethernet card, the
>motherboard in my damn laptop is busted so that PCMCIA cards dont work :( )
>Some Livingston user must have had this problem before...
>Thanks for any pointers (please Cc: via mail as well as to the list) to
>such a modem.inf file...

I had the same problem on how to connect a Win95 to a FreeBSD system using a
null modem cable, some one had posted in August on the the
comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc usenet news group with this problem. The
solution is below:

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Mitchell <>

> (Nigel Gorry) writes:
>> I apologize for being a bit off topic, but the Win newsgroups don't seem
>> have the technical expertise found here :)
>> Does anyone know of how to get Win95 DUN to connect via a Null Modem to

>You can download a Win95 null modem driver from
>This is working quite well for me. Does your cable have all of the modem
>control lines wired up? I initially tried to get things working with a
>cable I had lying around, without much success. Everything is funky with
>7-wire cable.
> Scott

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