Re: (PM) PM4?

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
22 Feb 1998 20:14:16 +0100

In article <001b01bd3f99$8b150a40$>,
Zak Wolfinger <> wrote:
>I have seen refernces on this list to an upcomming PM4. Anyone care to
>share details / links / rumors / lies <grin>?

If you ask Livingston nicely they will tell you. They told me and I
didn't have to sign an NDA (they did ask not to make it public just yet).
Let me tell you that it's only interesting if you have hundreds and
hundreds of lines ..


 Miquel van Smoorenburg |  The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac lay in his bed  |  awake all night wondering if there is a doG
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