Re: [ Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access - Please no Dweebs (fwd)]

MegaZone (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 06:01:08 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jack Rickard shaped the electrons to say...
>NO bounce message or error message of any kind. But magically, it never
>did appear in portmaster-users. THIS IS WHAT I WAS REFERRING TO. This is

Jack, you're a dumbass. Lucent RABU mailing lists are closed lists. Any
post from someone, ANYONE, not on the list goes into the bit bucket. You
are no different from anyone else. If you want to post to the list you have
to be on the list and post from *exactly* the same address. Or majordomo
will happily shitcan it for you.

Your insinuations of censoring is reprehensible. And only servers to
further weaken your arguments. I've always found you technical analysis
to be weak at best, now I know your just a moron.


<> Gweep, author, webmaster, human being, me
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 508-791-9803
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