(PM) Host-Request Terminate cause inappropriately used (fwd)

Jason Hatch (zone@berkshire.net)
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 14:09:29 -0500 (EST)

PM2e30, 4 Megs ComOS 3.7.2

Since my upgrade to 3.7.2, I've noticed that the Host-Request terminate
cause has been used where it is shouldn't be, particularly in place of
Admin-Reset cause. For example, in the past, when I rebooted a portmaster,
it would log disconnect reasons for each user logged in as Admin-Reset.
Now it logs them as Host-Request. Another example would be when attaching
to a port to manually configure a modem. After I use the telnet escape
character to close the "attach" operation and do a "set debug 0x54" then
show that port, it will show a "0 min - Host Request". If I attach to the
port again and do close the port, I get another "Host Request":

Session termination history:
0 min - Host Request
1 min - Host Request

My first thought, after seeing this in the radius detail file was a bad
dictionary entry, but after seeing this in the portmaster's Session
termination history, I now believe it to be a bug in ComOS 3.7.2. The docs
state that Host-Request involves a termination from a UNIX host, not a PPP
session or admin reset.

I brought this up to Livingston technical support who could not explain
this behavior.

Would someone care to verify this misnomer either by their
experience with having seen it listed as a terminate cause for a user
dropped by a reboot or admin reset, or by attaching to a port and then
dropping the port? If the PM is not reporting disconnect reasons properly
in these circumstances, then it may not report other terminations



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